Our little family

Our little family

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Chocolate Bliss

My husband LOVES chocolate!  Today I decided to stop at Bliss on the square in McDonough and buy him a chocolate cupcake. Bliss is a local bakery that makes special yummy cupcakes.  I bought him their signature Chocolate Bliss cupcake!  It is a moist chocolate cupcake  with  chocolate whipped icing and topped with the perfect amount of chocolate sauce (YUM-MY!)  A chocolate lovers dreams!  As I was picking the cupcakes out I was also eyeballing the Truffles!  So I figured I would also grab us each a truffle.  I got the Chocolate GA Pecan Truffle and of course got Freddie the Double Dark Chocolate Truffle!  On the way home I decided to eat half of my Truffle until I realized I had eaten the entire thing!  I mean this truffle was like heaven.  It was chocolate outside and some kind of creamy vanilla pecan stuff on the inside with bits of pecans stuff between the chocolate and cream.  WELL, at the red light I decided to "taste" Freddie's... I wanted to make sure it was good, right?! OMG!! It literally melted in my mouth and as I was sitting there waiting for the light to turn green and savoring the excellent taste of this Double Dark Chocolate Truffle the man behind me starts laying on the horn and totally ruined my moment. Jerk! 
So, now 75% of this truffle is gone and being the sweet wife that I am I saved the rest for Freddie.  When I got home I told Freddie to remember that "it's the thought that counts" right?!?!  He just rolled his eyes smiling and finished the truffle!  LOL!!! Anyways long story short if you are ever in McDonough by the square you should definitely try-out Bliss!  You will not be disappointed!  Next time I'm going to try their strawberry margarita cupcake! :)

Pretty in Pink

Morgan turned 1 July 17th!  This year has flown by and I'm amazed at how fast she has grown!  It's also amazing how much one little person learns in their first year!!!  Once she was born I finally realized why I was put on this earth!  She is an amazing little girl and such a joy! 

I decided to decorate Morgan's birthday party around the theme "Pretty in Pink."  I honesty don't care for "themed" parties but this seemed simple.   Everything turned out cuter than I had expected.  Throwing a b-day party is EXHAUSTING!!  I surprised myself and cooked everything (except for the Bar-b-Que thanks to Shane's Rib Shack)!  With my mom's help we did everything in one day! 
  Instead of a birthday sheet cake, I decided to do a "dessert table!"  It turned out really cute and the younger kids (actually teens) enjoyed it!  Included on the menu: Bar-b-Que sandwiches, pasta salad, chips w/ ranch dip, baked beans, strawberry, blueberry and mango salad, cupcakes, Oreo pops, thumbprint cookies,  brownie gems and pink lemonade!  Yum!  And of course pink balloons to tie everything together!

Flowers from mom's garden
Of course Morgan loved being the center of attention!  Even though she was suffering through yet another ear infection, she behaved like a princess :)
During her 18 minute slide show of herself (lol) she entertained the crowd while sitting on her toy box her Papa Willard made her!  Wow!
Our sweet baby girl!

Morgan and I are truly blessed for Freddie!  He is a wonderful husband and father.  He loves Morgan with every fiber of his being!  He does anything to make her happy:)

Isn't it funny when you put sunglasses on a kid how their total expression changes!! LOL~~ I love it!

Too Cool!!

First birthday party= big success!!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Meet the Jacaman's

Freddie and I finally started dating in August of 2004!! I say finally because in July we stood each other up, twice:) It's something we look back and laugh about now! But I guess you could say destiny (corny as it sounds) brought us together. We balance each other out very well! He's my rock (keeps me calm and not to up tight) and I keep him straight ;) For most of our relationship, before we were married, was long distance! Freddie was either in Texas or Atlanta while I was in XRay school. Freddie got an apartment in Atl and Ty (my sweet dachshund) and I use to make road trips to Atlanta almost every weekend. One Friday in Jan. 2006 I walked in the apartment and the lights were off, candles lit and flowers on the table. Freddie gave me a box (wrapped in a red bandanna) and thinking it was a necklace I quickly said "oh thanks u shouldn't have." I then opened it and saw a beautiful ring instead. I was totally speechless because I had no clue or idea he was even thinking about proposing. After making him sweat for a couple minutes I of course said yes. After XRay school we moved in together and rented our first place, a townhouse in McDonough. On May 26,2007 we tied the knot!!! The honeymoon was a blast!! In Feb. 2008 we bought our first house (in McDonough). In November 2008 we learn we were expecting a "little bundle of joy" (surprise :)!! My pregnancy went great and 7 days after my due date (Thank you Morgan for those 7 extra days!) Miss Morgan Clair was born!! She weighed 7 lbs 9 oz and was 20 inches long with her daddy's dimples. Our household consist of a mommy, daddy, sweet baby girl, 3 dogs! What more could we wish for!