Our little family

Our little family

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Meet the Jacaman's

Freddie and I finally started dating in August of 2004!! I say finally because in July we stood each other up, twice:) It's something we look back and laugh about now! But I guess you could say destiny (corny as it sounds) brought us together. We balance each other out very well! He's my rock (keeps me calm and not to up tight) and I keep him straight ;) For most of our relationship, before we were married, was long distance! Freddie was either in Texas or Atlanta while I was in XRay school. Freddie got an apartment in Atl and Ty (my sweet dachshund) and I use to make road trips to Atlanta almost every weekend. One Friday in Jan. 2006 I walked in the apartment and the lights were off, candles lit and flowers on the table. Freddie gave me a box (wrapped in a red bandanna) and thinking it was a necklace I quickly said "oh thanks u shouldn't have." I then opened it and saw a beautiful ring instead. I was totally speechless because I had no clue or idea he was even thinking about proposing. After making him sweat for a couple minutes I of course said yes. After XRay school we moved in together and rented our first place, a townhouse in McDonough. On May 26,2007 we tied the knot!!! The honeymoon was a blast!! In Feb. 2008 we bought our first house (in McDonough). In November 2008 we learn we were expecting a "little bundle of joy" (surprise :)!! My pregnancy went great and 7 days after my due date (Thank you Morgan for those 7 extra days!) Miss Morgan Clair was born!! She weighed 7 lbs 9 oz and was 20 inches long with her daddy's dimples. Our household consist of a mommy, daddy, sweet baby girl, 3 dogs! What more could we wish for!